I know what you mean!! I show my cels so proudly
when I have family over. At Christmas my aunt was
asking me about my cels and the cost... I started
to explain how the price varies from $10.00 to
{{{Interupted...TEN DOLLARS she cries, for
THAT!?}}} Needless to say I didn't tell her the
other side of the price range...LOL
I am just grateful that my Hubby understands!
If he thought the way the rest of my family
thinks...well uh can you say DIVORCE...`,~
I mean yeah I KNOW that with what I spent on
cels last year I could have a new LAPTOP Computer
with all the bells and whistles... BUT ... the
comp I have is fine for now & as long as I look
at my cels with pride & happiness I will KEEP on
buying. If the day comes when I start thinking of
what I "could've bought" for the price of said
cel then I will stop!!
I actually think the other way around...I'm
like hey who needs a stove when I can buy a
hotplate and a few more cels..he he he
Well thats my story...
Sandra |