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in reply to ladyhipoo, chibiusa and summfox... (Wed Jan 15 13:43:20 2003 )
fancels-org [View profile ]

Ladyhipoo said IT - what could I have bought with 
the money for that cel.
I asked myself that when I bought Misao. I WANT a 
PS2. But, mass products don't run away, cels do. 
(sounds funny?)(also, as long as I have no PS2, I 
have an excuse to visit my crush ;))

Also, let's match the 2 richest (assumably) in my 
Crush-sama - makes money as a bartender and shop 
assistant, about $800/month??, no pocket money, 
parents average, rather below.
Ore-sama -  makes occasional money through eBay 
and fancels, $150/month, mother $30,000/year, no 
tax, but paying off our house.

Now most expensive property (as what I know of)
Crush-sama - motorbike (a small broom-broom on 
which he got car-hit by his friend, mwahahahaa!), 
an old car
Ore-sama - cels (value I own: $3774)
...oops... I did this to see: the amount spent is 
about the same, just why do I need cars and bikes 
if I have publ. services and my mum's car. But... 
does used vehicles rise to $3800..?

Chibiusa - all I can say is, I want your mother! 
I wish mine shared my anime love a *little* ;__;

Summfox - I, too, am at an arts school, and 
there, too, anime in particular is very popular, 
but "what's a cel?"...

I also spend loads of money on food (mostly soya 
drinks and sweets..). Whenever I ship your orders 
late, it's cuz I bought lunch for two ;)


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