Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
Ohhh-kay! (Wed Mar 19 01:49:13 2003
joseishijin [View profile
Macross - Khyron/Kamijun Kraveshera (the
original bad guy in the original Macross saga)
when he calls back to the big bosses, they show
his smiling, cutsie image for a brief second. Aw
Voltron - shirtless Keith. Woo!
Spaceketeers - any scene of Aurora and her
cyborg Jesse Dart where they are looking
romantic or where he is saving her or (big time
wantum) where she is crossing her wristbands and
he is writhing in pain. Yeah!
Little Women - any nice backgrounded cels of
Laurie and Jo together from either the movie or
the TV series
Little Prince - any opening/ending cel of the
Prince standing on his little planet. Aw! |
Message thread :
- the 'obscure, never in a million years' want list post - whizzy - (18 Mar 17h39)
- um, i can't be the only one with a list like this. post 'em if ya got 'em! (n/t) - whizzy - (18 Mar 19h48)
- Re: the 'obscure, never in a million years' want list post - (cosplaying melissa) (18 Mar 20h18)
- The never-even-seen-one want list post. . . - Drac of the Sharp Smiles (18 Mar 20h24)
- Re: the 'obscure, never in a million years' want list post - kellyk (18 Mar 20h31)
- Just american shows... - spinizuey nli (18 Mar 21h21)
- Funny how you should mention this!! - Star Phoenix (18 Mar 21h23)
- K, here goes... - Misha (18 Mar 22h52)
- Re: the 'obscure, never in a million years' want list post - Cel_F (18 Mar 23h10)
- Unico... - mouse nli (18 Mar 23h55)
- Re: the 'obscure, never in a million years' want list post - curarae (nli) (19 Mar 00h25)
- Obscure series collectors unite! My modest list... - wndrkn (19 Mar 00h34)
- Re: the 'obscure, never in a million years' want list post - Charon NLI (19 Mar 01h09)
- Ohhh-kay! - joseishijin (19 Mar 01h49)
- Weee! Want lists! - rekka (19 Mar 02h25)
- okay, off the top of my head because a complete list would be too long... - ack (19 Mar 02h36)
- Re: the 'obscure, never in a million years' want list post - Aries (19 Mar 03h05)
- 'obscure, never in a million years' want list - drakonia (19 Mar 08h31)
- I've never seen - baakay (nli) (19 Mar 13h55)
- Ease my robot/mecha addiction...(Transformers and 80's hits) - Chaotic Serenity (19 Mar 20h35)
- Re: the 'obscure, never in a million years' want list post - Chris Romano (19 Mar 21h47)
- What would make me excited right now........ - Fever's Break (19 Mar 23h12)
- OH! One more I forgot! - Misha (19 Mar 23h24)
- Re: the 'obscure, never in a million years' want list post - jcaliff (nli) (20 Mar 06h01)