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Re: Refridgerator Raider (Fri Dec 12 07:00:36 2003 )
Da chez [View profile ]


I can't believe it! I've been searching the
internet for years and have had no success
regarding the Refrigerator Raider commercial, and
finally I find that I am NOT the only person in
existence who seeks its revival (or even remembers
it for that matter). Have you gotten anywhere in
the search? I sent out a few e-mails but no one
seems to care or know what I'm talking about. I'd
definately pay some money to get to see have that
commercial again. It's one of those vague
childhood memories that will never leave you... If
anyone knows where I might obtain a copy or have
the chance to view it PLEEEEASE let me know. My
e-mail is included. Thanks to anyone who can help!

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