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Re: the 'obscure, never in a million years' want list post (Wed Mar 19 01:09:57 2003
Charon NLI [View profile
I'd love a cel of Tetsuro's mother up on that
robot royalty's wall. (Okay, so I have freaky
Princess Tiffany cel from My Little Pony & Friends
or a background of any of the MLP castles.
Starlite from Rainbow Brite! I've seen very few RB
cels and none of Starlite at all.
A cel of that purple flying horse from the fruit
snacks commercial in the '80s/early '90s. I have
no idea what the food used to be called, but I
remember the other chewies in the package were
bears. (Anyone picking up a trend here? ;)
The KITT car from the photograph episode of
Dexter's Laboratory. This isn't as old as the
other cels I'm looking for, but Kitt only appeared
for a few seconds in that episode and Dexter cels
aren't exactly deluging the internet. Also a cel
of any of the Pretty Pony Puff Princesses. (Yes,
gotta keep that trend alive.)
I actually found the *exact* Vampire Hunter D
(original) cel that I was looking for on YJ, so my
VHD collection is pretty much finished. (Now unto
VHD2! *twitch*)
Heh, I am also looking for a cel of Lothar. He was
the best character on that show, dangnabbit! ;) |
Message thread :
- the 'obscure, never in a million years' want list post - whizzy - (18 Mar 17h39)
- um, i can't be the only one with a list like this. post 'em if ya got 'em! (n/t) - whizzy - (18 Mar 19h48)
- Re: the 'obscure, never in a million years' want list post - (cosplaying melissa) (18 Mar 20h18)
- The never-even-seen-one want list post. . . - Drac of the Sharp Smiles (18 Mar 20h24)
- Re: the 'obscure, never in a million years' want list post - kellyk (18 Mar 20h31)
- Just american shows... - spinizuey nli (18 Mar 21h21)
- Funny how you should mention this!! - Star Phoenix (18 Mar 21h23)
- K, here goes... - Misha (18 Mar 22h52)
- Re: the 'obscure, never in a million years' want list post - Cel_F (18 Mar 23h10)
- Unico... - mouse nli (18 Mar 23h55)
- Re: the 'obscure, never in a million years' want list post - curarae (nli) (19 Mar 00h25)
- Obscure series collectors unite! My modest list... - wndrkn (19 Mar 00h34)
- Re: the 'obscure, never in a million years' want list post - Charon NLI (19 Mar 01h09)
- Ohhh-kay! - joseishijin (19 Mar 01h49)
- Weee! Want lists! - rekka (19 Mar 02h25)
- okay, off the top of my head because a complete list would be too long... - ack (19 Mar 02h36)
- Re: the 'obscure, never in a million years' want list post - Aries (19 Mar 03h05)
- 'obscure, never in a million years' want list - drakonia (19 Mar 08h31)
- I've never seen - baakay (nli) (19 Mar 13h55)
- Ease my robot/mecha addiction...(Transformers and 80's hits) - Chaotic Serenity (19 Mar 20h35)
- Re: the 'obscure, never in a million years' want list post - Chris Romano (19 Mar 21h47)
- What would make me excited right now........ - Fever's Break (19 Mar 23h12)
- OH! One more I forgot! - Misha (19 Mar 23h24)
- Re: the 'obscure, never in a million years' want list post - jcaliff (nli) (20 Mar 06h01)