First, I would like to say Thank You for
everone's comments. However, I am a little
disappointed. I thought that there would be at
least a couple people that would appreciate cel
animation over CG... :( I know that everyone is
trying to find the quickest way to do everything
now a days, but CG just doesn't compare to Cel
animation. It's a lot like a bread maching...
(bear with me here) Have you ever had homemade
bread? Think of the amount of time and engery
that goes into neading and preparing the dough to
make the bread. And after when the bread is
finished...think of the taste, the texture the
overall feel of the bread. Now compare that to
bread that was made in a bread machine. Sure,
it's easier, you just through in the mix and
press a button. The bread is finished in less
than half the time as the homemade bread. But
when the bread machine is done the taste, feel
and overall flavor of the bread is
my opionion much worse. The time and
craftsmanship is missing. The machine does all
the work. Where is the joy and talent in that?
- Cel Addict |