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Re: Petitioning against CG....is it worth it? (Thu Oct 23 13:48:24 2003 )
4_degree (nli) [View profile ]

It probably wouldn't make any difference. It's 
hard enough to get a Japanese company 
that's trying to sell you something (like, say, 
NIkon) listen to its customers, especially 
those overseas. Since they're saving money 
by going CG, and still getting the money to put 
shows out, I don't think they'd be inclined to 
change the procedure. I agree with you on two 
points, though, cel addict... sketches don't do it 
for me either and CG, when poorly-done, 
tends to be really bad, worse than low-budget 
shows done with traditional animation.
If you need something to ponder, how about 
why Japanese camera manufacturers use 
English text on their cameras... that's 
something I've always wondered, anyway :)

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