>I, for one, would hope that the prices on Rilezu
>cels come down.
Pricing will depend on the Anime.
>As you said, they don't do the
>best scenes/images necessarily.
Sadly to say NOT all scenes can be produced. Yes
some action scenes will be produce but I don't think many
will be. They have to find the Douga to produce the Cels,
this is a daunting task in itself.
Check out Delta's
site and check the Full Metal Panic Cels out.
Production for Rilezu cels for this title has finished and I
believe they did a pretty good job in making good variety
of cels. Not enough male characters, But at the time they
weren't sure if the male characters would sell.
>and there are
>MANY out there now that certainly aren't worth
>$240 a pop!
Wrong and Wrong !
There are not a lot out there.
For a 26 episode anime around 300 to 500 cels will be
produced. This is NOT a lot of cels and due to licensing
restrictions for some anime only have 150 made be
Yes the companies producing the Rilezu cels would love
to produce more titles but it doesn't matter what those
companies want, What matters is what permission the
copyright holders will give you.
As for pricing not all Rilezu cels are 240 dollars are pop, At
the present time the lowest price cel available is priced at
10000 yen which is around 90 dollars.
True some are expensive, Maybe too expensive in some
peoples eyes, if you are waiting for cels to drop below
10000 don't hold you breath ;-) Rilezu cels are hanken
quality and actually more time, effort and money goes into
producing one Rilezu cel than a Production cel.
Occasionally there may be a couple of cels priced around
5000 to 8000 yen but the majority of the cels are going to
be 10000 yen and up.
Also some titles are going to have the original douga
attached. Starting last week, All cels produced for
The world of Narue will have the original douga. I am
hoping this trend continues.
Many Thanks
Stephen Saito