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I have to agree with CS on this one... (Fri Oct 31 08:29:47 2003 )
blueheaven [View profile ]

The response to this post has been way off base 
and too harsh. Fancels.org has a history on this 
board of doing and saying some really stupid 
things. However, her only crime here is being 
gullible. She told a story of how she was ripped 
off in order to warn others. CS is right in that 
usually web-savvy folks are often duped by cons 
like these. I think what we have here is a group 
of longtime board members jumping on someone 
while they are down because of past sins. You can 
blast her all you want when she says something 
stupid or screws someone over, but not when she's 
just warning folks. Didn't we have a few virus 
warnings on this board a few months back? Where 
was the backlash then? Everyone here knows that I 
am not her biggest fan, but can't let this stuff 
slide just once?

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