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Re: I understand that, HOWEVER... (Fri Oct 31 07:01:24 2003 )
Kitt - nli [View profile ]

I'm terribly sorry.  I normally avoid 
confrontational threads like the plague;  blame 
my atypical behavior on the solar flare.  ^_~

But...I'm sorry, each of us does carry 
a 'history' in such a community as this.  
A 'forum identity' if you will.  Each of us 
forges it with each post and point we make, with 
what we show of ourselves as people in what we 
say and how we say it, and how we interact with 
others.  I think it's this way with all human 
interactions, even virtual ones.  

Sometimes we form unwarranted negative opinions 
of others.  Other times they are quite 

"To thine own self be true."  If memory serves, 
Laertes uttered this in Shakespeare's Hamlet.

I'm not going to act like it's my first 'meeting' 
with someone on the forum when I know of or have 
a 'history' with them.  That would be like 
lying.  I think, if you reread some of the posts 
before the straight out insulting anonymous 
posters showed up, that while there is some 
tension, from awareness of a 'forum identity' 
perhaps, there are mostly helpful points made and 
they are on the topic of the eBay ID theft of the 
original post.

I would humbly suggest to anyone who has a forum 
identity that they don't like or that they feel 
is inaccurate, the best thing to do would be to 
look at how others might view them, and maybe see 
what they can do to reform it.  

My forum identity?  Oh, I'm an imperfect lurker, 
who stumbles out of the shadows once in a while.

*Steps back into shadows*

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