A fast, topic-related response:
"E-bay explicitly says they will NEVER ask for
your password. She says she knows all about
that...And STILL does it. Geez...It's ALL her
fault. And we don't need any more warnings
about this than we've already heard a million
Er, actually, I've had issues with Ebay and the
way they handle things. Fact is, I wish they
would just ask for my password. The two times I
attempted to change my email, it asked for
information I would NEVER give out on the 'net
nor that I think was even viably connected to my
account, so I can understand where the mistake
was made.
Not to mention that while a number of places
will set that disclaimer in their codes, some of
them will break it as a last resort measure and
I'm not saying you should forgive her for
whatever trangressions have been perviously
made. That's your decisions and yours alone to
make. I'm asking that everyone stop acting as
though this is an isolated event that no other
person would make the mistake of doing.
Now, onto other stuff...
"She has no reputation to even step up to the
line with."
I realize that as only a now and then visitor I
miss things, but you have to understand how a
post of this nature appears to the odd surfer to
brand new member.
Posts of this nature, that to the random eye
seemingly have no reason or excuse to be
slinging around as much mud as this does can
turn a person away from a forum in a second. If
I was just someone who had stumbled upon this
forum, without knowing the little history I do,
I would have been appalled at the nature of this
post. It was only because I forced myself to
take into consideration factors that I may not
have known that I may have decided to stay.
In particular, some of these posts I'm seeing
are just despicable and have no real relation to
the topic at hand...the anonymous poster;s
behaivor, with their scathing commentary on
Belgium individuals' intelligence, is absolutely
unforgivable, and I'm shocked that nobody has
called them for making such a racist and narrow-
minded statement. I mean, what if I were
Belgium and knew nothing of this thread
beforehand? Don't you think I'd be offended?
I don't mean to sound preachy here, but I've
been through my fair share of flame wars before,
and this comes dangerously close. Like the
poster or not, as forum members, we have a
responsibility to the welfare and reputation of
the board to keep it polite and repsectful. You
can dislike and think what you may of that
person all you want, but your words should at
least reflect your opinion eloquently and with
as little malice as possible.
-Chaotic Serenity |