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Re: Re: Re: When is it just unfair? (Tue Nov 25 17:29:26 2003 )
munch [View profile ]

Actually Yann is only partially correct, but, I am
not sure if he had more to add since he did not
continue his comments. Regards, usually on YJP you
cannot snip and hope to win since many auction
sellers use the auto-extend function. Now I am
sure someone will correct me if I misunderstand
this, but as I understand things, the auto-extend
function starts up whenever someone places a bid
within the last five minutes and it will extend
the auction for another ten until people stop
bidding. If this is true or at least the extension
part (regardless if I got the time wrong), you
cannot hope to snip and win. The other part is,
not all auctions have this feature, this is what I
am fuzzy on. Anyone have a definitive answers on
this and one can tell if the auction has the

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