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Feeling Pretty Damn Mad/Sad With My Parents (Fri Dec 12 00:52:13 2003 )
duelistnanami [View profile ]

I'm really sorry to here about your bad 
situation, though it sounds like you are going 
above and beyond the call of duty!!  I have 
recently one into one of my own.  My parents were 
going to give me what was an absolute dream cel 
for me for it christmas.  It was a cel of Aya 
pregnant with Tooya from the very ending of 
Ayashi No Ceres.  Well it showed up on ebay and 
they got it!  Now they have lost it!!!  I came 
home from college yesterday to hear from my 
sister, that my step mother moved in more than a 
week ago and now can't find it!  So i'm feeling 
rather sorry formyself at the moment!

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