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Re: Feeling pretty damn angry with myself right now - advice? (Thu Dec 11 22:13:26 2003 )
keeper [View profile ]

Well, I agree that the buyer has a right to be 
angry - but I hope they see how understanding and 
just as upset you are. When dealing with private 
sales, I hope everyone realizes the transaction 
is not business, and everyone involved are 
normal, everyday folks. And accidents happen, 
mistakes are made.

You are obviously handling the situation as best 
you can - if you completely refunded the buyer's 
money, that's fair.

That's also very generous of you to go out of 
your way to try and get another Chichiri cel for 
this induvidual! I can't see how that would add 
salt to a wound. Yes, it won't make it right, but 
it should make amends. I would hope, anyway. I 
think it's also a great testament of the 
Christmas spirit, that you want them to still be 
able to give that cel gift!

I know you feel bad right now, sweetie, and I 
also know the buyer is disappointed, but I hope 
things turn out alright for everyone involved in 
the end. I think you've handled it fine. Just try 
not to beat yourself up too much, OK?

~ Heather :) 

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