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Re: Feeling pretty damn angry with myself right now - advice? (Thu Dec 11 22:12:55 2003 )
meow [View profile ]

Well...Situations like this can't be helped.  
There's a lot of ways the shipping can damage the 
cel...Even if it's inside the box...If something 
wasn't secure it could be shifting 
around...getting bent...etc.

If the person recieved the package BENT...Then 
they should have taken it to the post office to 
open it...Thus saving you refunding the 
money...But...That is...If the person had 
insurance on it in the first place.  If the buyer 
doesn't want to pay the extra couple bucks for 
insurance...Then THEY are taking the risk of a 
package being damaged in the mail...And the 
seller shouldn't be at fault.

I mean...Why in the hell would a seller bend or 
package something horribly wrong when there isn't 

Also...I hope you're getting the cel shipped back 
to you.  I would never refund the money for a 
supposed damaged cel, until I have it back in my 
hands...Damaged or not.  Tell the buyer you'll 
pay for the return shipping too if that's what it 

As a seller you should do what it takes to make 
the buyer happy.  But don't be so sympathetic to 
them.  If they had insurance...You wouldn't have 
to refund them...They should have opened the 
package at the PO.  That's their fault...Not 
yours.  And how do they know you were at fault 
for the packaging?  The PO could have thrown the 
cel around...Dislodging it from your good 

I'd see what you can do before throwing your 
money back at them.  If ANYTHING...Get the cel 
back.  They could have their money back, and a 
free cel...You see what I'm saying ;P?

Hope this helps!  Good luck!

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