Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
Re: ^^ (Fri Aug 16 05:27:48 2002
requiem [View profile
Oh, it's ok. Knowing you, if you had a specific
problem with me you'd have said something by
now. I'm just letting you know that I to *try*
to work within reasonable standards (like only
using an illustration once no matter how many
people hold out fistfulls of dollars to me), and
that I thought the CLAMP restriction was just on
displaying their images in galleries (why I
bought all the illustration artbooks)
Hell, I never even did reproductions of
*anything* until I did cels. People who copy
something exactly and then run around going 'look
what I did on my very own!' usually piss the hell
out of me, so if I use something, I always say
what and how -.- |
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