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*BONK* (Thu Apr 22 05:59:04 2004 )
lynxa [View profile ]

Okay, I've had about enough rudeness for one 
thread.  I am always amazed at how quick people 
are to call others liars.

If you will READ Poe's last post, I think it 
does an admirable job of answering your...points.

Plus, the fact that they do not specialize in 
cels is no excuse for rudeness (which I find 
their response to her letter to be).

I must say, I've never heard of Splash Comics 
but what I've heard here plus the fact that the 
only two people to stick up for them are 
incredibly rude themselves does nothing to make 
me want to deal with them.

*tucks away mallet and leads high horse back to 

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