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Splash Page Comics...VERY RUDE! (Tue Apr 20 22:12:06 2004 )
Ms. Poe [View profile ]

Well...Out of the 10+ years I've been collecting 
cels...I have *NEVER* been so insulted trying to 
do business with a website. 

I sent them an e-mail concerning concerning an 
anime cel that they'd had on their site for about 
6 years now, and asked if they'd take a lower 
offer on it. I made them an offer(about half the 
asking price), and asked if they would accept or 
consider lowering the price. Their reply: 

"I am sorry we will not accept your offer--in 
fact I feel that you are really very rude. 


That's all they wrote. Me, RUDE? You've got to be 
kidding me! I've done business with collectors 
and dealers for years, and have always had no 
trouble with offers. I mean...If a cel's been on 
a website, and hasn't sold for over 6 years at 
the price listed...Wouldn't you think taking 
offers on lower prices would be negotiable?! 

Even if it's a nice cel...I am *NEVER going to do 
business with them...And am glad I never have. 
So, a warning...Their customer service is very 
rude, and it seems they have no clue in what 
they're doing when it comes to anime cels. Like 
the title of their website says, "Splash Page 
Comics and Toys"...They should just keep dealing 
with children...Cause I have no standing for 
being treated like a child!

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