We are talking about the Slayers (Otome no Inori)
Shrine Maiden's cel on YJ right? It is the pride
and joy of my collection ^_^!
I'm completely finished with looking for cels
from that scene. That cel was on my sister's
wishlist cel too, but she's the Bishounen lover,
and I'm the Bishoujo lover so logic would suggest
I should get it right?? HEHE. So I secretly
outbid her (her max bid wasn't even close to the
4th highest anyway). In the end she was happy to
see it "In the Family"
I've seen some cool Slayers stuff on sale
recently like Zelgadis in human form, Zelgadis in
Drag, Amelia in Princess uniform, Lord of
Nightmares, Lina casting a spell, etc etc for
sale, but I passed on bidding since it would have
only been "cool" for me to own, but it would have
made some Zelgadis/Lord of Nightmares/Amelia fan
soo damn happy to acquire thier dream cels.
It is good cel karma. |