I hate to break this to you, but...the only
people who catch the good updates are the people
who make the insane effort to...catch my drift?
Oh, that sounded bad...Im trying to word this to
where I wont offend anyone ^^;;. <---so didnt
mean that to sound witchy, I was trying to say
something else without sounding crass... There
are people out there who literally stay up night
and day at their machines, just waiting for
updates. I cannot do that, no matter how hard I
I miss almost every single update, so I
understand your pain. What I dont get is those
of you guys who live on the East coast oughta
have the faregrounds open! You can catch all the
Taro and Japanese updates while the rest of us
have to go to bed. Animegame also updates late at
night, and their cels rock! I _never_ catch
updates. Only Anime Chaos is merciful to me, I
catch theirs often....even tho my T1 is usually
STILL too slow to the punch ~_~. I have an
illness too that is very assy if I dont sleep
enough. So, no late nights for me.
And yeah...I know posting new cels makes some of
us feel bad...you're not the first one to say
this..trust me. The only place I post new cels
is the Watase forum, and even then, only rarely.
This is also why I never post updates...I know no
one gives a sailin' poo. If you think you're
the only one who misses all the updates, please,
you're not alone. There's not much we can do
about the time zones, all I can say is if you
really want the cels...you have to be willing to
lose sleep. Me, I cant do it. Which is why I
bother so many people with horrid amts of money.
It's the only way I can still get nice cels, AND
sleep well :) Good luck, and good things come to
those who wait ^_~ |