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Re: Calm down people.. (Mon Aug 27 04:36:27 2001 )
Jason [View profile ]

The "do they make cels for this show" thing seems 
like something which should have been done a 
while ago when everything started going digital. 

However, I'm dealing with the question "What if 
someone says 'there's no cels from this show' 
when there really are?" Are two opinions allowed 
to contradict each other? I don't have time to 
check all the facts myself, so I'm trying to make 
it so that we can check each other's facts...

And you're right about the banners.... unless 
this thing starts sucking down some major, 
heinous bandwidth, it wouldn't make more than 
fistful of cash every month to justify ugly 
banners. If it has to be done, I *swear* that it 
will be done tastefully. No weird sounds, no 
DHTML popups that block your gallery (IGN), etc. 
Ad rates in such a specific market sector are 
probably zero though, so there's no reason why 
anyone outside of an anime shop would want to 
target RSlug. As a professional marketing weasel 
by day, I'd advertise somewhere else too.

Let's face it, all of us are broke from cels 
anyway, right? Why would anyone want to sell 
anything to us?


ps - There are no cels from Love Hina, 
unfortunately. A few sketches are floating 
around, but they're mostly from the same 
sequence. Hope that helps.

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