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Sorry, but I totally diagree with NFS cels (Mon Aug 28 14:45:20 2000 )

Sorry, but I think to make someone a monetary
offer on a NFS cel is just downright rude.  My 
gallery is not public because I don't want to deal
with offers.  I would love to be able to post the
URL here or join the cels webring, but I don't
want to deal with people who don't have enough
decency to respect my wishes.

This may sound harsh, but I feel very strongly 
about this.  If someone took the time to place a
NFS sign on a cel, there is a very good reason.
I can't believe anyone would have the opinion that
if you are going to put it online, you have accept
that people will make offers.  If you got rude 
replies to your request, so sorry, but you were 
rude first.  

You went and looked at something that was very 
important and personal to someone.  You visited
their site which they were nice enough to post
so people could enjoy looking.  Then you totally
disregarded their request.  You insulted them by
showing that you don't care what they said.

They took the time to post the NFS's.  There's a 
reason.  Show a little respect.

I think I have some pretty nice cels and I would
love to be able to share them with everyone here.
But for now, I still think having to deal with
those annoying emails from people trying to buy
NFS cels outweighs the good points of getting to
share.  I know several other people with unlisted 
galleries that I know people would just go nuts
about.  But people who can't respect the wishes
of the gallery owners have ruined it for everyone.

Also, I have over 100 cels from my favorite show.
I have sold a few, but will always keep the best
ones.  I don't think this is stingy.  I bought
them because I love them.  That isn't changing 
anytime soon.  It took a lot of time and a lot of
money to get those cels.  Why in the world would I
sell them?  **On one hand we have people 
complaining about those who buy cels only to 
resell them (which I agree is terrible), and then 
we have people complaining about those who won't 
sell their cels.**

C'mon, are we collectors never satisfied?  Maybe
there should be a law that you can buy whatever 
cels you want, but you can't sell them for at
least 1 year after you buy them.  But if someone
offers you more than what you paid, you have to 
accept it.  
their cels.

Anyway, I don't think I've ever posted this 
harshly before, but I feel really strongly about 
this.  Sorry if I offended anyone.

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