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Amen to that!!!! (Sun Aug 27 23:39:14 2000
I couldn't have said it better myself...I too
share your views and disdain towards sleazy people
who try (in my opinion) to swindle cel collectors.
I don't mind people making a profit...don't get
me wrong that is what this country is founded on
(God bless you anime chaos, usagi's house, Taro,
Yann etc who charges fair and reasonable prices).
But to intentionally charge 5-7 times higher (as
the starting bid) than what you paid is borderline
fraud....I know my words are harsh but I too am
fed up. I have been collecting for two years now,
and have witnessed the sudden surge in the market.
We have to realize what these people are
doing...They are going through all of our
galleries and viewing our wishlists...keeping
track of what we want most and when they see it on
auction or sale in japan they buy it knowing that
we (the consumer) would pay top dollar for one of
our dream cels...or They are capitalizing on the
naivete of the new upstart cel collectors who
don't know any better and believe that these cels
were always that expensive...
Unfortunately there is no end in sight for this
trend...the only solution that I can imagine is
that we as the cel collecting community take a
stand and refuse to pay for these cels....If no
one buys them then these so called dealers will be
against the wall. Needing to at least make their
money back they will then lower the price...Now it
is our turn to turn their desperation into our
advantage...unfortunately if people still pay
their outrageous prices they will never lower
their prices....
But do not consider yourself alone in your views,
apparently it is shared by many (Sheri drac and I
to name a few)....
well just a few thoughts...
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