Cels Forum

bags? - thanks oion (Tue May 9 08:04:05 2000 )

Thanks oion of the URLs 
I am going to buy a couple of 
packs of those Mylar D bags.
Iam going to get smaller ones to place my cels 
in and bigger bags that I will cut up to put in between my cels 
in my book (I think those pages in my cel book 
are acidic and they are really flimsy). 

I was reading on that site you gave us that you may
need to place some acid-free tisssue on 
the back of the cel so it wont 
stick to the the Mylar bag. 
You decided on rice paper?? Which you think is better?
Is rice paper expensive?
The tissue that I found has a calcium buffer to 
prevent the tissue from getting any "acid transfer"
(pretty neat). Also, it was fairly cheap to buy
(100 sheets for $14).
thanks again :)

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