Cels Forum

Re: Re: Original post author 3rd time (Tue May 9 22:14:51 2000 )

Hi Again,

Yes, I'm back.  To be honest, I don't know if I have too 
much to say, but I am having so much fun reading how my comments have gotten kenshinlvr and az's panties all in a 
bunch, that I just had to see if I could do it again!  Hee 

As for the anonymity question, I have posted to this thread 
3 times now, and I always identify that it is me again.  
So, you know who am I am and what I say.  Would a name and 
an email (both not my usual ones) really make you feel that 
much better?  You really want to send an email that won't 
be read?  I will oblige if you promise to keep making me laugh so hard!

As for my intellectual superiority, well I never claimed 
that.  In fact, I don't really think I'm that smart at 
all.  I just think I'm someone who has a right to my opinions like everyone else.  If you don't like them, too 
bad.  I think half the fun for me has now become seeing how 
riled up you two will get.  Look how many times you each 
posted to my second message.  Just had so much to say I guess...

I don't think I am intellectually superior, I just have 
some pet peeves, and that's my right.  The fact that it got to you so much is amusing.  To think, little old me had such an effect.  If anything were going to make me more full of myself, it would be that I have the ability to illicit such strong words from people like you.

As, for the vulgarity of those emails, well, I think you 
were believing that calling me names in Japanese would 
somehow impress me, but then again you missed the point of 
this altogether, so that would be expected.  Name calling is for the second grade.  Can't your insults at least be a 
little creative?  It would really be so much more fun for me if they were...  And not that I would normally point 
this out, but you before you post Japanese in the TITLE of 
your post, particularly when trying to show that you know 
Japanese, you might want to check your spelling.  Even 
though it is romanji, there is a correct way to spell things.

Anyway, now that I have been able to control my laughter 
some, I can respond with the only sentiment I think you 
will understand, since I finally learned how to debate on 
your level: I know you are but what am I?

You know, debating opinions can be fun and even a learning 
experience.  You should try it before you do all that name 
calling.  Not that it bothers me a bit! :-P

Now, even I recognize that this thread has turned into 
nothing but recurring flames, so, even though I admit I 
couldn't resist this one last post, if all that comes back 
is more silly name calling with no intelligent discussion, 
I will not waste anymore space on this forum.

Just to make sure I have everything right, kenshinlvr and 
az both agree with me that kawaii should be put to rest, 

Take care!

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