Hi all,
Fake cells, well as everyone has pointed out they are difficult if not impossible to pick. There are several reasons for this.
The first is the quality of the material used. You must have the right paint, and the right cell material to make it work. There is a limited number of suppliers of this stuff and they nearly all produce for professional artists. So it is all of a similar, high, quality. This makes it expensive, as someone pointed out, but not more so than any other quality art product, ie oils, pastals, acrylics all cost a similar amount if you buy the quality product.
Then there is the quality of the artwork on the cel. As a whole it is quite poor. Yes I know there are pieces which are good and we all love our favourite series. I am not saying they arent special to the owner or collector, I am saying the artwork is generally simple and of a low quality. This is probably because of the high quantity needed for a production, ie they are rushed.
So now you have someone with high quality products, ink and cel, producing a simple one off picture, with all the time in the world.
To Be con't