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Re: OT: Screen names Curiosity : hidden identities...rant (Tue Jul 20 21:08:53 2004 )
Lori aka Pixie Princess [View profile ]

On ebay and in most other forums (as well as
usenet) I tend to go by pixie princess. I used to
post a lot 'back in the day' on a.f.s-m newsgroup
under this user name as well. The only other name
I have ever gone by is Galexia.  

Quite some time ago, I used to get a lot of email
and comments about the Galexia handle that I got
tired of explaining it every time. So, I made a
web page about it (on my now defunct netcom page). 

Since I still have all my html for all the pages
I've ever made on my harddrive, I still have the
page that stated the origin of my handles. Go
ahead and read below ^_^


My handle... also known as the man on the flaming
pie story. (blatent Beatles reffrence)

This page was inspired by a recent post in the
alt.fan.sailor-moon newsgroup which asked for the
story behind our handles. I decided since my post
was so long, that I should make it into a page.
This way, people who would like to know how I came
up with my handle would have the opertunity to
-plus it cuts down on email :)

A long time ago *1993/94* I was inspired for an
ultimate evil character for my rpg (role playing
game like Dungeons and dragons) that i was GM for
(gm is game master -i.e. the one who puts together
the whole gamescenario). So... The name that came
to me was Galexia. I believed that someone who's
name takes on the sound of being more than just
the world... an ultimate power of the galaxy
-would be cool. So i named her Galexia... This
girl was my way of ending the season so to speak
-i planed to kill everyone off. Unfortunately due
to circumstances, i couldnt get to that point in
the game.

A bit later in March/April of '95 I started
calling a local chat board called The Phringe -I
needed a handle. For a week or so i used the name
!Yvonne! (it was my german class name) and later i
decided to go for something cooler. At this point
in time i had re read my original game scenario
and though it would be neat to use Galexia as my
handle. With the local chat board thing -about 1/3
of the people knew everyone irl since citys/towns
in about a 50mile radius called a lot. I went to a
gathering or two and was introduced as "Galexia."
Thats how people came to know me. It was so much
my 'trademark' that a friend told me to copyright
the name over at kinkos, but I never did. When i
got on the internet in late January of '97, I felt
that it would be best if the username i used was
galexia since so many people already associated me
with that. And thats how I came to use that as my
handle on the internet as well.

Now, I have loved and watched Sailormoon since the
time it first aired in the States (1995-Aug.).
However, I never knew until around late March of
'97 that there was a character named Galaxia in
the last season. I thought that was pretty darn
cool. I mean... having the same name as a
character in a show I really loved... I used
galexia as my handle up until the point where
people kept saying stuff like: 'you spelled
Galaxia wrong' or 'she was so evil, why do you
like her'. For me, that was when I decided to rid
myself of the annoyonce of those questions and
change it to another name- Pixie Princess. I still
use Galexia on that local board, some of my pages,
icq (i think i changed it back), as well as the
username for my email addy. I just found it
bothersome that some people would still insist
that I took it from that anime show. Anyways thats
where Galexia comes from -and that is what I
consider to be my true handle.
aka Pixie Princess and Galexia
And also know as that girl who talks too much ^_~
This page has been viewed who knows how many times :)
Changes last made on: Sun Jan 10 00:45:42 1999

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