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I'm quite good with names :) (Mon Jul 19 11:56:18 2004 )
ore-sama [View profile ]

When I think someone is a good or at least worth 
knowing, I do remember, IF I heard their real 
name at least once :)
You're Amy! The one who hates me for one, ONE 
stupid thing but whom I still appreciate, is 
Lia. Blueheaven is Brian. Keeper's Amy, too, 
right? Reuiem is Gwen (you alive?). The Nii-
san's are Amy, Jenny & Clarissa. AnimeChaos is 
Nick. Animegame and Rubberslug are Jasons. And 
so on. Just bragging about my (and now I forget 
the word of what I was bragging about, 
bwahahaha, my, you know, other word for 

I usually forget the name of eBay buyers as soon 
as I take my eyes from their address, unless 
it's a very regular buyer such as, long ago, 
Tisha or now... or now... damn.

People who piss me off quite badly also burn 
their name in my, then raped, memory. But 
there're not that many, so I'm at peace.

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