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Well, since I started this thread, I ought to tell how my name came to be... (Tue Jul 20 01:30:48 2004 )
fickle-haruka [View profile ]

Back in the day when the internet was made
public...everyone had a cool or interesting name.
I spent a few days thinking about who I would be
*since I learned about chat rooms and need a
screen name*. So what did I do? I referenced the
dictionary...yes that big book that gets alittle
bit larger with new revised editions.

I simply closed my eyes and split open the book
and pointed...it landed on the word "fickle". So I
stuck with it....even though it could have
negative association with the word...oh well.

I was involved in Q/A chatrooms very frequently-
listening to people's problems, giving my
opinion/best advice I could come up with...I
became a regular. Then we all got bored one day
and someone called me a pickle... so I become
known as the fickle pickle and even posted on my
ancient website a 3-d rotating pickle....but that
idea died when I left the chatrooms.

So I like Sailormoon, my first anime. I liked
Haruka, so I adopted that name as "fickle-haruka"
but mostly I use "Ficklegal" because "gal" was the
norm thing to do to say if you were a girl or
guy...now my OLD hotmail address gets so much spam
from I suppose as common of a screen name as 

Many people around here know me as those two
screen names. 

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