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Business Practices Always Matter (Mon Aug 2 21:37:25 2004 )
Lady Brick (nli) [View profile ]

The way you deal with people always matters, no 
matter what you are selling them.  Just because 
something isn't essential to life, does that 
mean that sellers have the right to lie and 
cheat people?  Seeing as Kim runs a real 
business as well, she should know how to 
properly deal with customers.  And when someone 
shows a flagrent disregard for other people as 
well as the truth, it will most likely be so in 
all areas of thier life, not just that one.  
People have the right to know the kind of people 
they are dealing with, and if there might be a 
reason they wouldn't want their hard-earned 
money to go in that seller's pocket, such as not 
wanting to support blatent reselling, then it 
DOES matter very much.

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