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Re: Re: Re: Thanks for outbidding me.... (Mon Aug 2 06:13:36 2004 )
nesuferit nli [View profile ]

I do understand what you're saying but I can see
both sides of this too.  It is really frustrating
to see something relisted for sale by someone who
possibly didn't want it as much as you but had
more money to spare at the time.  Perhaps their
eye's were too big for their wallet and they had
to let it go?  I honestly can say that I've had
this problem as well, bought something and
regretted it later.  

Actually, most of the cels I have in my gallery I
got for reasonable prices and a lot of them were
far below what they were worth.  I can't blame
them for wanting to get what it's worth but in
this case I think they might have overshot it, and
since the auction started high off the bat they
might have scared off anyone who was interested.

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