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Re: Re: you are kidding, right? :P (Tue Aug 17 20:03:00 2004 )
starfighter319 nli [View profile ]

I'm must disagree with you on that one.  The cels 
I have bought since decemeber have been high end 
cels and have gotten them at very reasonable 
price.  The high end cels I speak of are , sm 
henshin cel,  starfighter henshin cel, 2nd tial 
of esm wand bank cel,  Angel, enchanted sailor 
moon not to mention my Sailor moon R movie cel.  
I think there pretty high end cels to say the 
least. you must be either looking in the wrong 
places or not in the right place at the right 
time. These cels would have be at least a little 
more then twice what I paid for them. If thats 
not a drop in price then what is.

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