Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
Re: Re: Re: you are kidding, right? :P (Tue Aug 17 19:21:40 2004
starfighter319 nli [View profile
Tor ,
It might have to do with that. But it could be
because people have lost interest in cels
altogather and the age of cgi is upon us. I think
anime made with cels is the way to go . I have
gotten myself some awesome cels from the begining
may 2001 up until today 8/17/04. It is a sad day
when you can't even get close to what you paid
fro your cels if you decided to sell them. But
for me it is very good since I don't plan on
selling any of my cels any time soon. well keep
those thoughts coming , I really want to thank
you guys a lot for you honesty. so keep those
replys coming. Thanks again
starfighter319 |
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