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Re: Re: Re: Re: you are kidding, right? :P (Tue Aug 17 19:43:39 2004 )
Aurora (hyaku) [View profile ]

Even though I only have a couple of Sailor Moon 
cels myself (one of which is my most expensive 
cel to date), I have noticed the trend of them 
going down in price.  Also, the Ayashi No Ceres 
cels have been going down and down lately.
However, since my primary collecting is Tenshi 
Ni Narumon I haven't noticed any difference in 
the prices for those cels.  They usually just go 
in short waves of cheap and cheaper.  ^__ _^ 
Lucky me.
So, do you guys think that Fushigi Yugi cels 
will become affordable anytime soon?  Or is the 
lowering in price just for certain characters or 
just slight?

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