Why do you keep barking up that tree..? =)
These guys have lots of cels yes, but whom are
you comparing them to?
They have nowhere near the cels that the Japanese
collectors have over here..not even close-- not
even by a long shot. Guys that work for anime
studios,, guys with boxes of full of Ghibli cels
laying around.. all legit..Garage's filled to
their rafters with collectibles--Cels in the tens
of thousands--
Think that I am exaggerating? =)
Think again- No need to badger these guys, really
it is not necessary.
Japanese Otaku, they own this world that
we "orbit" around-- Do you think that they are
NOT the true kings of their own medium (anime)?
Of course they are --right? They flat out are on
top--All of the "top players" are here. Get it?
The "anime dream team" of collectors, if there
were one, would not come from abroad, cause all
of the all-stars are here, driving around in
Mercedes, living large, not a care in the world.
And we have this forum of foreign collectors
complaining amongst themselves over the
leftovers, and who got what, and who won't share,
it is ludicrous.
Yann, and the other gaikokujin collectors
should not be in your sites as targets, believe
it, they should be your friends.