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What's this about being "not worthy"?? (Mon Jul 8 05:30:24 2002 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles [View profile ]


I don't think anyone here thinks you're "not 
worthy". ^_^;;  At least for me, replying to 
posts is something I really only do if I've 
either got something to say, or am feeling extra 
chatty. (And in the latter case, actually having 
something to say is optional. *laughter*) Where 
showing off is concerned - I have more incentive 
to reply to something like a "show me" since it 
usually doesn't take too much time or quite as 
much thought as a more conversational post.

As for e-mailing people out of the blue, I'm 
inexcuseably bad at keeping up with e-mailing the 
people to whom I *already* owe letters. (*huge 
sweatdrop*) So it's extremely rare for me to 
write to someone who hasn't already written to me 
and thus gained a slot in my reply queue. ^_^;;;

But I have to say, it would be fun for this Forum 
to be a bit more conversational. On the other 
hand, I'm not exactly out there thinking up new 
topics of conversation either. ^_^;;  (And I mean 
something that *won't* cause a flamewar. ^_^;;)

But we don't hate you. ^_^

Many Sharp Smiles,

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