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Re: Alright all of you mega anime fans...how do you spend your cel fund-raising time? A poll! (Sun Jul 14 14:48:35 2002 )
Fickle-haruka nli [View profile ]

Hmmm... I'm a struggling soon to be second year 
university student under the major of biomedical 
engineering which I am trying to get the GPR(aka 
grade point ratio) high enough to get to upper 
level...and I have no idea what to do after that. 
I can relate to Haywood in that I work at a store 
part time on the weekend when I visit home and 
during breaks in the year (same store I've worked 
for since Freshmen year in high school). This 
support my hobby which my boyfriend for the past 
2 years thinks I'm nuts, but its okay since he 
collects mac computer stuffs.

Right now I don't have much time to scan the rest 
of my genga collection since I'm going to 
community college and working X_X Gotta fill in 
my bank account for this next year of school.


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