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Friendly neighborhood pixel-pusher here! (Sun Jul 14 07:44:58 2002 )
mouse nli [View profile ]

Im a gaming artist in Austin.  I do artwork for 
PC games/graphic design/animation/monkey work.  
You name it, if it has pixels, vectors, or 
polygons chances are I work with it :).  I went 
to school in Houston for computer animation and 
3d.  I swore I would never work for a gaming 
place because I hate video games, for the most 
part.  But it's alright, the job pays well, even 
if the market is extremely volatile.  I doubt Id 
be able to afford cels if I had any other line of 

Currently Im learning how to do low-poly modeling 
and texture mapping in 3d, which is a must for 3d 
games (you know, like Quake) so machines dont 
chug ^_^;.  This is very painful for me, as Im 
not too keen on 3d.  Im a big 2d/traditional art 
fan.  The more I learn the better I get though, 
so hopefully I will warm up to it soon.  We're 
currently trying to put together a really cool 
pitch for an idea we have...mainly to save our 
skins @_@.  The gaming market is sooooo twisty 
and turny...one minute you're on top of the 
world, the next you're struggling, eek.  But it 
could be worse...I could be vet.  That'd please 
my family, but I cant see myself doing that...not 
after that whole pig castration I had to witness 
in high shcool..  And then the instructor pulled 
out my arm and dropped the severed "plumbing" 
into my hand..  Nope, no vet school me moi 
thanks! :grabs markers and sits in corner, 
rocking back and forth as I doodle on the walls:

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