It depends on if you know how serious they are
for the cel. . . I mean, I hope *anyone* here
would know that they would be very VERY quickly
repaid if they saw that Clary pan cel I want so
badly and bought it for me. Since I think it will
never turn up, I could use all the eyes I can get
watching for it! ^_^;; Just passing on the word
sometimes isn't enough for something like that. If
I were to ever miss it because I'd picked the
wrong night to go to a movie. . . That *WOULD*
kill me.
But it's funny that this should come up now since
I *just* bought a cel for someone else. The
person doesn't even know it yet, and won't until
it shows up on their doorstep. ^_~ It's nothing
fabulously expensive, but that kind of thing is
*fun*! ^_^
Many Sharp Smiles,