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Re: On the other hand. . . (Sat Jul 27 16:10:12 2002 )
harunaofjurai [View profile ]

well that's pretty much what i meant by my post. 
i don't just buy the cel to complete a trade; if 
they have something that they are offering and 
would rather trade, then i'd feel better about 
giving them a cel than just cash. plus in that 
instance, the cels that they had offered to me 
were about the same price as the cel that i 
bought, and i had really wanted the two cels and 
they had really wanted that cel. but so did some 
other people, which is why i chose to buy it for 
them and trade rather than give them the cash to 
buy it, and then have someone else have already 
bought it before they could. if any of this post 
made sense....


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