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Re: What is your opinion on buying cels for others.....? (Fri Jul 26 17:49:36 2002 )
Fran [View profile ]

Well, I guess if you can email the person 
straight away with that cel picture, link and all 
the necessary information, it would have been 

Buying cels for them is well, unless you're 
absolutely sure that that's the sequence/scene 
they are looking for, like having screencaps on 
their wishlists would have make things so much 
easier. It does help in a way. =D

Buying cels on their behalf, you would be pretty 
risky if their likings are not focus. Or it maybe 
that they don't have enough funds at the moment. 
There's pretty lot of these issues as well for 
collectors. Like priorities of series that they 
want to collect, etc... etc...

Just my thoughts.

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