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Re: What is your opinion on buying cels for others.....? (Fri Jul 26 17:46:53 2002 )
harunaofjurai [View profile ]

well, recently someone had some cels and they 
offered them to me for sale or trade. i had 
money to buy them right out from the person, but 
they seemed like they'd wanted to trade. i had 
seen a cel of this person's favorite character, 
so i bought it and offered it to them for the 
cel that they offered to me, and we traded. i 
think that they were very happy that i had done 
that, because someone else could have bought the 
cel before they had a chance to with my money. 
so in my opinion, if you're friends or you know 
them well enough, it's alright. but if you buy a 
cel to ransom someone out of one of their other 
favorite cels, then definately not.


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