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Re: My patience is wearing rather thin... (Thu Sep 19 07:47:13 2002 )
XoXoX [View profile ]

This might not exactly be what you want to hear 
but, shit happens !! If the dealer had his site 
all screwed up and your friend got the cel you 
were suppose to, then the dealer screwed up and 
you got screwed. If you lived down the street 
from the cel shop you could go and scream bloody 
murder at them but I don't think you'd get the 
cel (Its gone!). Your best recourse is to get 
whatever they would be willing to give you and be 
happy because at this point, something is better 
than nothing. Its one of those life experience 
things. As good as some places might have for 
customer service there is always someone who gets 
a bad deal and thinks different, this is true for 
all things not just cel dealers.   

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