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Re: Re: Anime Chaos beta page preview! (Sat Oct 5 18:13:09 2002 )
spinizuey nli [View profile ]

I agree with Yann here, and it's a good thing 
that you'll be making one page flash and one not. 

I don't like to be "told what to do" when I go to 
a website. "You must have this and this, and that 
and that to view this site". BAH! I don't change 
my settings for one website, that's for sure. 

Enough of that. Would your 
splash/intro/"flash/noflash selection" page be in 
flash as well? Just curious, because at home I 
have AOL on a laptop, and sites with too much 
stuff to load will either kick me offline or 
crash my computer. (That's aohell for ya).

~Tara (who did *not* see the flash animation 
because it didn't load on this pc, and she didn't 
feel like downloading it). :)

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