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Re: Anime Chaos beta page preview! (Sat Oct 5 10:36:40 2002 )
Yann Stettler [View profile ]

> Flash is becoming a standard, and will soon 
> become a standard on the site.

> The 1024 x 768 resolution is the most common 
> these days, if you run less than that; you need 
> to update.

You followed a business course from Microsoft or 
what ?!?

> Anyway folks, any feedback would be great! 

You want feedback ? I think it's totaly stupid to 
put soo many restriction on who can see a website.
No, 1024 x 768 is definitively not the most common 
resolution. Many people that use a 17 inch screen 
prefer to use 800x600 as it's easier for them to 
read. (and many people still have 15 inch screen. 
Even more so now that there is LCD).

As for flash, it's absolutly not needed and I can 
bet all you want that people coming on a shoping 
website that force them to download flash will 
prefer to move to the next site than to get it.
We can discuss the usefullness of adding flash to 
a site. But making a site that can be viewed only 
with flash is plain dumb.

For a business website, the question you have to 
ask you is : do you want the less or the more 
people to be able to view your site ?

Yann Stettler

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