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I'm a special case convert! (Wed Oct 16 20:21:24 2002 )
sovereign [View profile ]

ooh, stimulating discussion! ^_^

I used to turn up my nose at repro cels too, and 
I understand all the points that have been made 
since I used to subscribe to that point of view. 
but lately I've found that in a couple cases, 
I've made exceptions and bought a repro here and 
there for my collection. why? because simply, 
there aren't any cels I have seen of these scenes 
so far, and the particular repro cels took my 
breath away.
     for instance, I've seen all the usual 
suspects of fushigi yuugi studio repros, and they 
don't strike a chord in my personally. but 
recently I found this repro(I think it is anyway) 
that blew me away so much that I had to buy it. I 
received the cel today and I am so happy with the 
finesse with which it was painted and the beauty 
of the cel. to this day I've never seen one of 
these floating around, though someone else may 
have. so in this case, I would rather own this 
ultra-cool repro cel from which sequence I have 
never seen a production cel before, rather than 
own a production cel of an entire sequence that 
has been released, where a glut of collectors are 
sequence sisters.

just playing devil's advocate because I assume 
repro fans might be afraid to speak up due to the 
heavy volume of anti-repro posts. ^_~


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