I hadn't thought about games that precede the
anime. True, those hold a different place in my
Hmmm. I don't completely buy the idea that the
games further the characters. Games can end in
different ways, can't they? The anime doesn't
pick up right where a game leaves off, does it?
I see a game as an encapsulated segment of a
character's life. It doesn't relate much to what
came before (especially if it was first), and it
doesn't effect what comes after. Have you ever
seen an existing anime series change significantly
in response to a videogame that came out? I'd be
curious to see examples of that (like new
characters or character changes).
I see it more as the game "inspiring" an anime.
But anime viewers get the full and complete
experience from watching the show. The game is an
unnecessary prologue. An "extra".
There are so many unique ways to look at and value
animation collectibles....I find talk like this to
be fascinating! :-)
As for not being able to judge without playing the
game, I still think I can make an educated guess.
;-) I know Tenchi fans who have played those
games, and none have said that it furthered the
plot in any way, shape, or form.
JP |