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Re: Another two cents (Fri Apr 18 22:10:31 2003 )
hon (nli) [View profile ]

I don't agree with Ly's comments completely, but 
I do believe noname if you are truly concerned 
about the "tone" of the posts and promoting an 
overall constructive forum, comments like yours 
and Drac's initial one, are not constructive in 
attempts to possibly gain greater understanding 
during difference in opinions.

I want to speak up for Ly b/c it seems this 
disagreement is over her writing style, which 
started off as a personal statement and shifts 
thereafter. Luna comments, "I think the point is 
that I saw Drac's post as a rebuttal: that it 
doesn't have to be that way.  I think she was 
just trying to prove there are ways to enjoy this 
hobby without falling into the traps that [Ly’s] 
post illustrated." Even though I do agree with 
Drac as well, I don’t think Drac necessarily 
proved anything, but she did present a dissenting 
opinion. Clearly she did not agree with Ly, and 
she stated her own positive experiences with the 
hobby as her rebuttal. I -completely- agree with 
Drac that there are ways to avoid pitfalls 
experienced in cel collecting; but like Ly said, 
it still doesn't "invalidate" what she wrote. I 
think both Ly and Drac presented valid comments 
on their experiences on two different sides of 
the coin.

Actually, I DO identify with the difficulties Ly 
experienced. I will gladly admit that when it 
comes to cels, I continue to encounter similar 
experiences managing my finances. Once again, so 
there are people out there that are better at it, 
why is this so offensive? I know I have 
difficulties, maybe others such as yourself and 
Drac don't, but hey, don't fault us if someone in 
a similar situation points this truism out. 

Noname you comment, "And the generalizations were 
not very complimentary". Does this mean –only- 
complimentary posts are permitted now? If so, 
rants would cease to be permitted huh? 
Generalizations are just that, general, huge 
sweeping comments. If it doesn't necessarily hold 
true for you, excellent, but odds are there ARE 
others who can relate as well. I am not griping 
about my problems, but since Ly pointed some that 
she experienced, what's wrong? For those of us 
including myself who DO have difficulties, should 
we also take offense? Personally, I do not take 
offense and it's b/c I can relate (even if she 
doesn't represent me).

Ly attempts to explain she was expressing her own 
thoughts and experiences and that she never said 
she was representing anyone else. Cut her some 
slack noname and you too Drac, sometimes we all 
have difficulty expressing what we need to say 

Lastly, I initially found this portion quite 
amusing, "I found your language and tone 
inflammatory... If you really don't know what 
could possibly be so offensive about your 
statements then you should go take a basic 
composition class. You might learn something." 
Ah, and you can also learn something as well 
noname. Not everyone is going to be mindful of 
others opinions, I for one don’t post to win 
public support. If I post it will be my 
thoughts... take them with a grain if salt or 
leave them. If you don't like the "tone" or the 
contents of what others including myself say, (no 
one is forcing you to respond) feel free not to 
write and ignore the post. When I post I rarely 
if ever, care if others approve; if they do fine, 
but if not, I still won't refrain from stating my 
opinions, as I see fit. And that's exactly what –
everyone- is doing on this forum, sharing their 
opinions. Moreover, does insulting someone by 
criticizing their composition skills actually 
make you a better person? Do you feel better now? 

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