> think about all the times you've sacrificed
> food, rent, sleep, or sold other things just to
> maintain a hobby.
I'll admit I've woken up at weird times (or
stayed up late) in the name of winning an auction
or catching an update. However, that's rare for
me to do. Usually I'm asleep or awake at weird
times simply thanks to my job's weird hours. I
can say that cels have never come before food or
rent/mortgage. I've never sold anything to "keep
up with the hobby". (I do sell things, but only
what I would have sold anyway.) You may be big on
traveling, but the only place I really want to go
is Egypt and it's not cels keeping me from
getting on a plane to the middle east. ~_~
My thoughts on this are that if cel collecting
for you was nothing more than trying to "stay
ahead of the competition" -- as some kind of
status symbol -- then you were collecting for the
wrong reasons from the BEGINNING.
Here are my thoughts on the people who leave cel
collecting. . . People should do whatever amuses
them. If they're no longer amused by collecting
cels, then it makes sense for them to do something
else in the name of amusement!! Whatever it may
be, I think it's great when people are doing
things they enjoy. If they change their mind
about what they enjoy, that's fine too. But for
some reason, many people who leave cel collecting
seem to feel the need to suddenly declare how
much more "mature" they've become, and that us
why they're not collecting anymore. Suddenly,
it's not a hobby for "mature" people.
That is both garbage and insulting.
Believe me -- there ARE plenty of immature people
who collect cels. I know plenty of people in this
hobby who DO blow the rent, spend themselves to
nothing, let themselves be driven by nothing more
than the need to outdo the next person. . . These
are the people who REALLY need to rethink what is
no longer a hobby for them. But there are also
LOTS of people who are plenty mature, who simply
are amused by spending spare cash on colorful
pieces of plastic. People who collect images they
like without doing it only to be able to "outdo
the next person" and who DON'T overspend what
they can afford in the name of fun.
When people leave cel collecting in a snotty way
by declaring their newfound "maturity" and
looking down their nose at all other cel
collectors, all it does is underline how IMMATURE
they are. . . They can't recognize that, even
though they're no longer interested in cels, cel
collecting remains a legitamate hobby.
Many Sharp Smiles,