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The cels you own, end up owning you (Sat Apr 12 18:42:29 2003 )
ly (nli) [View profile ]

Personally, I've almost lost all interest in 
collecting new cels. It's already been over a 
decade since I started and I've found other 
priorities demand my attention. My career has 
nothing to do with cels or anime for that 

I rather travel and spend time w/loved ones, 
instead of spending hours on the computer 
searching for icons from my childhood. I still 
appreciate the cels I do have, but I no longer 
desire "things" as much as I did when I started. 
For myself, cels like any other possessions such 
as: dvds, cds, clothes, and other luxery items 
are "things" I've limited in my life. I've found 
I will not become a slave to my possessions. 

The following saying sums up exactly how I feel 
about cels, "The things you own, end up owning 
you". Substitute the word things with cels and 
think about all the times you've sacrificed 
food, rent, sleep, or sold other things just to 
maintain a hobby. Frightening isn't it? Actually 
cel collecting is more correctly termed an 

Lastly, asides from the obvious reasons, few of 
us have the time, monies, and contacts in Japan 
to stay ahead of the competition (big 
collectors) and obtain the dream cels we so 
desperately desire. Phasing out of cels, selling 
them or quiting cold turkey, makes absolutely 
100% sense. I don't think anyless of anyone who 
does so, afterall, we try to do things that make 
us happy. Someimes, continuing to collect cels, 
doesn't bring people happiness anymore. I for 
one congratulate those who can acknowledge this 
and are willing and able to move on and live. 
Good luck to those of you leaving in all your 

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